About Us
It's easy to make beautiful food... when you know how!

Hello there, I'm Taryn – a chef, a wife, a mother - and I love teaching people how to make beautiful food while having fun in the kitchen!
My love affair with food started way back when I was a kid. My parents had a fudge business, and guess who was the official bowl licker...? Yep, that was me, and if I could get my hands on the sticky gooey leftovers, it made my day!
Fast forward to my gap year after school – I was working at a butchery and delicatessen when, out of the blue, the chef bailed on Christmas eve. Suddenly, I found myself stepping into his shoes... and that's when I knew I had to pursue this passion as a career.
Over the next couple of years I completed my chefs professional cookery course. During my final year, my Polytech selected me to represent them at the national Nestlé Torque D'or competition. My team came away with a double gold win, and I developed a passion for making beautiful food, enhanced further by plating and presentation techniques.
About 12 years ago I started teaching others cooking and plating and presentation skills. I found it brings me immense joy to share my knowledge and inspire others to explore the art of cooking. Now we have this purpose built kitchen where I teach from and create videos for my YouTube channel.
I hope you'll join me on this journey. Through this website and my YouTube channel I teach and inspire, and show you how you can learn how easy it is to create beautiful food from your own kitchen.
Make sure you're subscribed to my weekly newsletter so we can stay in touch!

Hello, I'm Jason - by day I'm a software architect, by night I'm the one behind the camera. I'm the photographer, the website developer and most importantly, the official taste tester!
Seeing people learn and grow through this website and our YouTube channel gives me a buzz. I try to help Taryn get her ideas and thoughts into text, photo and video so she can effectively teach as many people as possible how easy it really is to create beautiful food.
I must admit, I have a bit of a gear obsession when it comes to cameras, lenses, and all things tech. Having the right tools for the job makes all the difference in capturing those delicious dishes in their full glory. I'm always trying to convince the boss we need a new lens or camera or some other gadget...
Lighting, composition, and a pinch of creativity play equally important roles. I like to blend the art of cooking with the art of photography, creating visual feasts that make taste buds dance and eyes sparkle!